
評分5.0(2,807)MeetYoku,thepint-sizedpostmanprotagonistofYoku'sIslandExpress!Useauniqueblendofpinballmechanics,platformingandopenworldexplorationto ...,評分10/10(2,791)系統需求·需要64位元的處理器及作業系統·作業系統*:Windows7·處理器:Inteli3-2100@3GHz/[email protected]·記憶體:4GB記憶體,評分5.0(2,806)主要特色:·开放世界弹珠冒险:采用了独特的弹珠式平台跳跃玩法,Yoku'sIslandExpress的非线性游戏玩法让...

Yoku's Island Express on Steam

評分 5.0 (2,807) Meet Yoku, the pint-sized postman protagonist of Yoku's Island Express! Use a unique blend of pinball mechanics, platforming and open world exploration to ...

在Steam 購買Yoku's Island Express 即可省下80%

評分 10/10 (2,791) 系統需求 · 需要64 位元的處理器及作業系統 · 作業系統*: Windows 7 · 處理器: Intel i3-2100 @ 3GHz / AMD A8-5500 @ 3.2GHz · 記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體

Steam 上的Yoku's Island Express

評分 5.0 (2,806) 主要特色: · 开放世界弹珠冒险:采用了独特的弹珠式平台跳跃玩法,Yoku's Island Express 的非线性游戏玩法让你能自由选择你完成多条任务线的路线。 · 欢迎来到MOKUMANA 岛: ...

Yoku's Island Express

評分 5.0 (2,784) Meet Yoku, the pint-sized postman protagonist of Yoku's Island Express! Use a unique blend of pinball mechanics, platforming and open world exploration to ...